l-~ wilL' a weeb leator arid ~n.ey heard tie $iust c.id~nt buy ar£v idea. It was gJod in one way, raL Tory :r-a·riried, li;&e a futile riot ~r a palaca with electric gates in capitalist land. aid tkiis was the front dor It was sma]ler bu~ sa~e the world over, he thour.ttt..~ on the steady hum~run. '1.e jolt, lead by Bush and ~orbachov , to ride aruLind ttroppy i~j thu ~Ugg) beat!
"This icily garncr"he said
"wh~ rucking cares -~or a thir4 Lhat was sitting on the side of o'obhes and conformity. I be added.
"ik aware..." she L~rfled arid spoke
'fACS ad looked for a tor~ tnat had mocked the rutey guy who bad narped on and teen accumilated in the rackirp, kinpdom.
"We are a]' ujersi" dike they bide tY-emee] Yen on pmrehnnco to fret a word in eo~ways. He was annoyed jumping up firm down, sore
-voting some or his extra ·..peoial affiliation with the loonies who were another asp.h~~ C stupid I and after joints that blew trem all atay "yaurse]re I"
"Happy? hr-?" and today could the d~v that trike-warning stat they had returned. 9. and wan a~aradox in I tne lii to ma~ter. lie -'ade a hea: thy stL'al thy getaway from the flat. Tryiw. was hard work to be flying rourd. his head hit oat arid wrote bk:is instead;
"Responsibility, and all it's tra~sby]c was Ln ring." some~~n;es redtape ruimaits 0£ c.oLart,e, 'rust ask peo~1e who are get bing on and ir. bhe place. He assed himself and got te- rjmber for whi c-fl Is cou.Ld Use aur tree I
Blue Fe icr was on and Lie war] d entered his head kinda. Fe wo~id go ror a waly. to ttt tools who r"n the anon. Alec Ring. He thouj'j't cynica] ly, The c~t would bake a last look at it all before the stomache joined in the chorus of years.
Tiie.ho was sure of the sunpid moron OC a present, there and the then he screauted, bucki~t on call. To do acme washing up? It felt sad! stuftedi nughoje: "and rinsin~~. -lyle day bad been tired, with o'ie aor£g walk into town and a Khnw of friendship and popularity. Rough, tne bleak city-scape...A bjuke had proojued to get them AVUT windows! -Thier faces were creased and moved. tie foYt nuwbie.
Warm tension was in Li3e air, he rn,tioed, Another hnd lent him lOOoctd£sl ~strsnge?" Xe ~ooked,"m~ybc ILL,?put ·L record on." 1 'L9 SW'£' tI:e~s days but it d Ldn' t rea~y get over the decorzted setee! lie ints goughed at them at theN having., a go:
'~Vhas, vylere din tirat money go?"
and tho~a,11t to ht-nseli acouL clo~~hes , "that was saved for just living!"
"Your guilty in that case!" she shouts i'j:~ a trarLsi b var and liVtifl it
The sky made the Irhabitanta mount, bat this was stakey stale as the su~der,- sporadic rJa~hts or .¶icrowaves.
'eats for lua:ct:.
Stiside, the people didn't take any Liking to the niddle-class-type oeir'e...£oet araa~ing shows of nature didn't ratter, morley did! "tuck that, fuc~ Litis! ~t-is rexi-tine dri.'ati-ntate, each one a stick
· iicny wet sLor~ -in a tea-cup!" It reminded him tnat he had been di~iteily remaetered in Iii"less torta1ity.~.(9.w) he wished it; The vision of the 'utare; &lwr~vq a sudden shoe s~ow or i'ower~ ~.'o on Onle wouLd go &now1~.'y into the exha'j'j-~i ~ied world they would simply iry Just Dome old ·.houg,ht he had imrjined ~often) the blood ticabed arid so dititorted.

mat wa~ikt-d by; On bfle but 'egs (isn't it 2ur~er!) ,,ausagG ieat"

te carton viwaali~ed press pe:3p]e ayir4 in a white flask', pouring ttirOu~h tnu ungrateful press despair, no tire icr real lire, It was that sirnilie for t:l:n to express anyway. Suon crazy cc~dneas when mcne~'- didn't distr~ot hic--'. 'ran?
"eviaence I" w~ he did wijeri he wan pulsating through, tailing insidc hJ-3telf, peoples conversaLion,
·rkiim7~' te said loudia arA played IL SOIWetmok Vor tT:e rest ~n the at~ie of a samyle. Ho Ho! L'ow I; keeps spinning on an invisible &ament. lie dreampt of lets, F~is mind was ted up and an crazy though sickly arvi always rlal:t 1i~e a sex~ one's yet ajAini C.~loria) Correob in ',he staba's was moving and stressifull, Afflucnce? it ~is bt'arablc-' an', looked tpt,d. To find a di'ug-dealed as he did of~en, 6-ave him a clue of isbit. Aiter rolling a S~'iif which ~ey had bo accept. was licky luc'~ money. Sotehow be iragined Amy wa9- ge'~ting
A fits; zrip in a s-~olen-eporta Cs car-week,he wan looking for ward two, "ever £et t-rnt, exciting?" "~ou1d it?" and cho people especia1l~, but a jr,lsnce later and he decided everybodyn fneeu and ac ~ians with tLe pie-in-the-sky dream world, crc ~hat thing about tt:e 'scene' ib 'ads nirn. He didn't li~e b~,e sound of the]din'~ some! Wher" all friends, rernerabe,-ing a rew inontyls arc, liked the sound of it II:ore ani nEars and 'ad sa; listening Lo it, the heavijy, tho ylit of the b~o*, toe ra"cism.
In thier titete he war, wobdy , "It AiRd beoL a vent Ic'?" too cap it all "too crappily correcti" ~.hey were of ~flCSE for a wb!le chic
made him Sick La Ut's reeling, T~e reme-~bered tack~itr Wy., but
~r the wp~ or the ~n'oie,you know? '(eadinrI daisy li~ernLure...the utudc-'n;s wibh a non paberrstl anele hidin.~ hir~el£ away.

~er. Lual ly he went out again
flbis ira i~sslf urwiri 't no b~d ns copyini'.: itnascripre and making fell concerned,&ad prc-tc-zLdL~Lp, to be! Aide made nir feel preturbed and scared and bhia:£ a lob, Thabs all at least Ir' ~ dirL'c-,ton. He didn't want to act by givic.6 bim everyLnirig. Thi. be secretly orearnpt tor a so]ics dumb enough to ~.cL niB sperm, .j~ ~ng that ne rest pisued ott that tj~is wodid never happen ~ accords
lie wiped nis brow end took a chit.
"What a world to live ~
braitisy would be loading ap Find drivin~9~hrough the ro;ten window ratad in surf, to pasturen new and to saurms new'. lacking! this would j'e a dead ringer for a humat' wno was Left to it all. To nim J'L~C wtfl noneut; "It *ae tucking boring!" alit had told him. he had thuaglit it was O.K.
As its was just Si L'-i'g. i L coild got den' deprenaing sometimes you to do ~'r,a fut.'kI~~ phone in your pit Jttstiiys crappy thLr~s.
iL-~w~ Lt al ways happened tijat way, ho -~hat doe'jn't bel org to him now, the ant-phone-call and ,you,get a git!
re started to la'~gh ailviol ent.!cr the rest ci your life so 3oun~ ~ou pick a jamily thaL was in a mental i~ospital'. flee put it down, arter feeling stupid. ghat taur)1t him It read;
"low to play tYc blues like a total wanker!~
A long time ago, the blucs~ . the asre fili repeated i-~ne1f t~rotq'':h the spea£cru as tbo'Jj%~tD and meturles repsated reali cy.
Be inougnt Stone~indsd: *i Ii i li'e uo£amorcw?~ and had the new diro ;nrough · lie rail down the stairs wit~ a fake &od and Iffy
tbougj~'~s of superioriby ard yellow fingertiva, to o.';e"k, to want tier with thc two j,'lrJs who were dtgi;al and flasned a lot. Y{e was worried that one of the girls n.~d moant a lot to "Am at on. time. lie could start by wearing a short skirt Was it life? his i£rtimpo~!
-ans lit. had siren -'ira goat, looks so t}iat was it.
"on 3'riilkhc" he byped aver some work. Who cared if it was about tt:e thatoted '~esis~ Me had written to notody. Most people call other people! tie couldn't be bothered... to do it...aisirisk.'ly
"On tbere ,'lI "me rust of ttje books nijat were, 15, pie ten~ious he starea down ab b.';e ~atg~ Pie wriLii-g was tnicting out!
Ife needed ah iflfl(,e , ~arks atd indelible imares were Lie persona... 7cr granted, aver bhe Library of unread and unwritten-mejeon, actin to ttte puilic, tk:e bape came to a click on reverse, "WAY!" he realiwed that thiti timu and space triat he ]iwtened to, of a philosoyty, a thou~it back to tile nstd of sympatny.
Insuantariucauly he bad a sharpish a;-q~~, It was Saturday and he wa~
~n pain! And 50 tnno town, to C-den karket and warm it flaB too as
hc stepped out on ~hL' dirty he did, aTtd heLr~r then thod alor-g...
:5 risti a slice of brown toasted brr.~, and noticod that tbsre wure
an ertra ;hirty in tne queue.
·'Busy town," he t:nou~br, makini', sure that be looked the way he felt and all walking in Lhe direction of the cOSSO-know it all ace that he had imagined ear]ier. after tall be was in the land or Che clietness. ~e ret t1~.~t after a slow 10. lIe lived here and it was flow part of him, thiLt flas the way he loolced at it. frben vp at --he box he sat in a bar all detached tram the ticket he had, that was. A] ready a girl he wi bccn ii":ua~Jy finj;ers,read 66 times.
He felt Skiallow anti oal!oas. ·'68 peop]e before me"she said. he wan having quite an effect they onper'tely needed a ,1oint. or even a fag about any thing anymore, then he rled.

Cool hi~ O(PWfl at least," she said ucretaning.

"Xour ~eneratijn were £uckLd she ~~rJy sat and waited, a conversatijn took a ceath-wish.
"Ris parents annoy ~her"
It Lad aiways surprised him when his brother had tnrioyed him and it diened, it warned his cackles!
Z'tcy had gone around wanting for a pint but had sipped tonics flow and e'.ain in various cans that he had. re had ret her a few weeks ago,be apitomised him and every thing wi~k"d afld worldly~ T!s Lajoyad the calm suburban twenr4~no.¶ethirJ~B i~ the ~uggy heat twin. lie didn't often get tarbed u;er~body in the bar, a quiet place around Inc poncy places. ite liked sittintr around contemplating or con-enjoyir~ the crarpinena OS the otter dishevelled gentleraen. Pot nirn these ojaces were pocki-te for a half of lage~r or to examine the various uniforms and th,ter ruc~ercd and unshavert races. .10 tau~cd endleflRlj'. to b'~mse~t an they asked the bar tender to tel] them tac priac.
'!flC ravers special record sbop changed for what seem~d like tiler own suitalle mind-nur,.bebioally. boping for him, to give them thier own...~e wasn't ar~ry thoupJ~, ·1~'ust chaps! but they were ~ so similar, he JuSt plarea the old -nan.
'Ehey sat thier head e all te ~arne wall. "LIhG television was placed. "Are we all tie Fais?"
They watched the screen attentively. lie remembered his moth and his concentration nould be broken by the most hilarious things in a monuts time wflen bhey would
katnetic I sex with one or L~eA w¶0trh the lo.nj'- black in his cijuac.'
-tar, Once upon a trineess w~~tn a amile ;i-a: ga'4e hirn ·~thjcal properties; tar into kin psyche, he looked a; It arro~a-qtjy but he had remained, exami nir~ noth bier ane i,imself as always! Fe went wondering; "Whab do people hold?" i-~ igned him,. likc a spy irt the 'caret identity. Ha woujd U] Li~ately be safely sway in the land of nowhere. In the shame ar£ the biwac or i b(s) all be felt sick. "could do with a beer..."ail he ~ried to t~~nk of some merter of a rocA band in a field toe. " will anythirg ''SPpCfl?" he had no heir! 'ibey 1au8hed, ar-a she his lovely K.
"Vbem," the cars raced by in thirst, ~hier life?"
But he had no idea, when I.s. probably playing a compact disc, the rLgamortis-enduoed enbertair~'aent rendered from an origins] inferia-
-ri~. Crowded with endless shouts, Pros made him mije patheticaly and all through tke crowds.
"ILUtCIIAW, Ted?1' Ha~e tnat was the atmosphere...
To Lis ears the reggea, the bits pumpir-g around tr~e cifrere~r bod~ea in a place just sike a library of cults that were piled up."It bad seemed that observation, was under stream. said the blood, just pumping arid in the end he had wandered into faces and ears of the ~a~~s:7n~ers... ar£d betting shops LO a video, at least most of the
"So," he rsu~t'd.
Wr,eri Lu had ;ar ned, "wh,~n~'?" tLey cci (1 afrord to down ~i Ar' S con biLually. rub lb had turnea ou~ to ic ariotlier b Ia~ing aichokijo row. The si tuat' or-I people didn't qL~c:otion it J!A~ifl~ out of hand arc wr:iz~in~ ar(,LLfld I'soptr-g to punch -'in art hi~ mother!
A curious mixture...
The squat~ere nnd, ol course totd dc trutn, the truth was tfle wore;. yrorn thab ~'-ear on tie co'£~d hi~o never have gotten the same
-espon&ie.~~ictds, they had all gorie, after they had imply w~ked out of tne pub.
"Oct bbe polo police!~ "Wtio? would YOU?'"
bhey stared over then, tnei ready to smash or corrisoate. Tney were amply out or ;oacn with bi;e strarije.
As tney had bortowno a; ('C the tear, .~hey attackcd the back of thior party. It tad Lurried tE-em Lnto quict etouts.
Uflre.9~ in thi. spoilt saburbe, tbe cocasional pipsed Lyrat, who nad ofterL wittes~~d dranken brawls tad been e~ooo out on the bEacon fell onto the bl-~odsbained ta-.~ao. Starring --fle over Lhe ton ~-nyl ~itraLe
"I'm not far i~ro.-j- the rirate pol ice stqT~ion. but Lk.'ey 'ye
tThai.fled quieter.
"-Le ear nad been s~r. around. It was necessary- to wal~ that way to NewEam. Or-c guy :~~j stepred out intc the "hi be neaningless flightLi~e. Ero-~ra k:afl p-at up his bards in errectation wtth tbougrt of *iera parts teens. They lur£ged his head forward towards the one girl who kept OttYifl~i "lown Down!
He tiad wiped hIs forehead. '2n~ey wore onto r:iti. Stron~a.1y he had jickod down continually, and rul; it was r-o good.
""the fliLliUS ! " once Late the damage ha& been acne, and ncodj estily Se' woula have been beerpital; to be stitched.needled hars--ly, and bloody. I£n-puisive, aggressive sex. Ire feZt the pri~atfve.
·'Ma Y." they had eriflisted the 'mit heir of, (there 'tat' beer .' few incidents recently). hiLl bro~her, her bro;her. yo~'er, this had the center of conflict with the c dor, an he bad spent Lt a on £ood misgivings. He oou'~d rerne~ber back to moaney utterenc..c,.e.
They still nab with h[m tho~',h.
"A raw aonths?" "no, everywhere I', she continued ramble, "...and tIere were no njnce. that ho had been ar~ I can live out ~v friertas." he tad bei:n cut and had a few thoughts.
"as usual they're sty]a b£Ad been missed!~ Thin was rare for Dunstable,
"Hi 233(774" t-e was Ln a 1on$ living room in a slow trial place ItuL '-at a'venirq',, was an eddy around Lb" onenirig.. or hi V' ~flflSRS. "..the yoim;~. researoning rrenct'." he thouttht as they fucked on the soja. T.ater they would wire the slimey grot of the rir':ht wiru~ in ~urope, ~ wau a tnow'tA.
"and, no one can see met" they seemed to hit iL ofr very well!

In the early ho'jrs he sat in Lhe long rest, he considered the day, ,', I:e l co~ed up at him and tnen Un, up the big red van that was early on noreen. Re rercymbered titiw often his rother had to wair around. They had put the day. which had been a heavy Ofle, to bed. Loud darce music seemed to blare into Plis nto~ic~e... "hey nad gone La hnar thorn about it. rae it in a big or sma)~ village? t~sy SiLICI it wan a roigh and poor kind of a nlace, and flow they were on the way tnere.
Ticy were trying not ~o have a go. Actor a wnile happy parenbe were looking concerned. ~f:is was stupidly wronr~, drirks also.
I ing joke
LasL ri~ht art the telic, when mofl~y aldn b dlsbract nirn trio j-op~ ramnea on about -Zaymen arid the naw-ovidento an he did when ho w's cas~i~', ooriiaratlofln normality...
"Idle pu;aatir-g tklrour41 peDple I ~'~l7 the grtat Isritinli
traditinnal conversation! H-?~' te said loudly;

"a J9d~ D's t,ccond rate horror'. in the atyle at a~p~e of the heterosexual kir£d"he spotted, for a moment he dreamyt of betterouri of his search for what wad sickly arid always rir,bt, like ancal sign of under~-ro-and videos, cool, correct,...
In the states or course Ihese videos,whatever they buy, they buy a censor to cecide rJr.licly I "Cant be trusted-'
Very loudly and epontanenusly, 'mowing that there was an a] ten. he ro~na anew place La ~'ive..Whicfl,spaceships were te]ling him that? They tick in others! The new place was what. he was going to do, and more. The front was a video-phone on...
Him? There were too many questin-heaper. he sat Lhure listening r"apec..ti~ely tabaut this. He and Ort tempered and had had a bit of ian and .ning handled into a shad. N$t p'-essed, his compsnion doubtauly taken them both far.
"Queue, jrst to he ~iven a formin
"Fiasni~'~ libtts and t}jc wurd say!- he had ranted aid raved. Trternselves were sitti.'w. in wbat? a flid, itneif away iT, the junk tflt't had masterminded and counted down the bored and papurs. 'mAnge aesned like the thing that oozed arter a while. Sometimee he real [V gob cr1- on the noise instead of iastnrbatinr. arid dreming
"Aaaagh!" ,:e otten had a restraint for roat,re- quc.'stit}ns. . into snoppiria~ mallS for faj~-food of green and taken away.
Hey'." no often £eli jike doirtg t.~is. PC sat In the chair still laughing. began,
"The landlord r~t it." contir£uir£g,.e without sny records they bad ended and spoiled tier p1ans for a silent and, skull like a drill or,mechsnical willed words, dictionarten fuji. It seer-ed and i~ was thab be was feeling sick,~lter ten. when be ohut his eyes ~e tittea.

~ a crassy dream occurred to t.'ti}pings. and the new plac.

-sas full of the eou-qd of a roaring mo-ped. Reaflon,? they had 1,'=ped at ttLe chr£ne. They needed s't.me foe, a form of Inroilnation, a sauna, ann a ,iacuz~i which [tey. tbe hospital still gave him.
"wierd," where they bad tried to. Sticks were in the Ama~on. I-he era of the vien, it hurt a little. But they had kLcned for it in a -'way. ~Co tert'. ~iredness ir. ~ early morni~.
"Son, somebody should end it now..." he burned hie finger.
Earlier the continual ruribling had erhaur-ted his visit to a fun frier-ci,. On... A mj'r.-kcy WHS C)fl tE-s LeIjy flow '·jrd it made him want to think. L.H. was talking about it. Row it junt sat hatins the whole of London Utrough and through, whilst trying to brea~ free. tie Enew lion. it was dowil to the rest of the council.
Mdc were rl'4' ing. Untidily, nature (the minute) was a complete farce. ~ext a woiflar., wal~irig tootrie desolate bad never botherird hi'n~ But whcn people attend~d to thier gardening together in order that they could sit and smoke dope. Friend'..
Ariother had offered to drive/squat.
Jn. sat facing the day workine. on a film, scratcbing it back tow' down at- the uncot-fortable. ratiently he scratched his eye a tin~e sunny, secure. A good deal of cannabis '1 go~ lie thoug~t about the cash-front and slouched stone-inded in a new flat. It was a lot, flu could fair well Jike the would dodge an analyst...
r~.lmvelliflg accuni for the name he r..ot off srp wont home with trio brow:- he had. She was in and lrr~ on the call, the worries wert an.noying him, he just didn't.
·'q0 should do some more of this..."
"worrind about life aurvival?'

...snd money,

this Wy,,,q at least mon of the time they were to see ir t~cy had any real porroTo, taking notice of t)je e~tdorioc. Vision , thier
ad boot a good prarad, a dissapointod voyeur-neo fascist obsenity
the braad were Oh no aull, 'and SL*ays rnade for a good syndrorne~
Homaphobia; sexophoby Lo ilimoelt.
~-~here is your evidence?" Iba' sale was dissapa-; nttng.
bloom, a record k'e was ltstening to of sit-corn sex rornuers of the
most timed space age socialism. ~he d~ of the dead, and ah old ra'-extenston of the politically Oh so. It seemed like ages but found no 'it'.
"Some hope!" he tnou~nt~ '.ar,d of categori sod as to bare wabohed for 'La. As if wn?the general P..?"
,~at~ons known, thinkir4', and in LherL', trying to chat 'Ar of of the purl] C fascism. '-S wan sunrised by no many.thild-cure itu own illness rrom ours... Fe was laurhed at blunt~y & since, he wan now typing, it was Sunday, IL nad been,'cept of knowinp~ it a],.
"Agri" '.hey niad all watoned him, his political correctness. It wan in tiLe ~ tint ib originally fell- posed enemy. to sit ~ up end say ehkL-ifl&?,, waraly mt-ti the ted.

'~il1ing and mairnl~ny: the poora arid i1l~.." I

"I'll rear much traflic SOLUId, this prorits no you forgive?

"L£e?...H',1ir" he indoad...

~t'aJkt~ qtietly into the probable, the only thing Lkiab would,(feet) indented into his memory.
flPry away!" be satd.nircissistically mirroring
he opened tiie window, and book a den of trnth:"L~t the recording of coloured watnr,clo',dy water, and eia~.1a1flg, it's how to learn..
Fe coratin~and on about what mir4'-t be inside this,

"We just have La ('JOn our brains."

brother ntirred on the co6-ch,'~He for you, all the sa~e , '~t.e thoit~ht.
tie was a greaL btg ~pY guy, strange, sounded stuck in reality, ebbing a lumpy moaty attitude. ELC tine was there and then it waen.
i-sd (last night) " wake up you la~y centy cunt!"
~alking in fine but in whet seemed later they ventured into the cansideration CI.n.) is made oV tired thour~~ts, they wore all Azoptirenia! Like a b:ind ~~olfer arid neck.
As they wa3ked tL-rougr£ tims.', they evo'ved. The edge of the
closed supern.arit'.t that ti--sy grew to accej,L (i'o£O) that they were hollow; "And we needed rood!" "-hey turned towards tn icr guest...
A~e inroL resnn;ed poetry.
...arld tiwn, Liart qu.:0k4. ran by. Lrom a polite areek family stock. 'ibty had all wa'.kL-d unt... "But it couldn'L have..." te t9ougtr~ of reet, WItri a3 thier wemorion and them (me), had nob even gained a sizigLe second. ~uir.iw:. abon t to burst, flesbes of tbe strange act/ dream he t£d whi 'fit sexy music tumbled.

"flow can] d this be true? Silling?"

it could weji have beer a fiiq,rcr tap, and in brain it 'nade him believe...ln a puppet like rhythm to the almi~yty. Had it rereated itself into like a baring film t)iat waLl killing tirie. There was a dar~er that tori;~flL would be the same. lie tbo'jght place.... ~he latd wherco he n-ad come-. .-~ihe state or sLeep/coma. As ahe was this precise ~~mont, a figure walked.
"~ore food?" fur, unsuspecting, asaed in a pInk-spar~~1ed, "li~e tne sweets..." she w'L~ted. ..lle drenr.pt of ~yrin and Re,...
2. bad the aproarance of rl.astic, ye.1 low, drirrin~ nueu]ent]y, arid scaelunlng. A little startled at first he tken headed for satisfac tion aid...
"You sre a teeterinr, exile in our world now." Le iiaid raisirg feelings. slicing and bleeding, ~ow trombling, his body reacted.
·'~ow you rnust be in sELRl3 pain." his thick hair was mottled,
"OURS, you are our only bore."

sweaty6~0ti~c0~ness, ailed rulunturoun things. er,now, If we arc to....

rrotrusions exter-ned iriti, the nigl-.t. To imagine this crock of dross

It was drossy, early and he masterbated in the teat- Loud over his head so uncontrolled was the new dayligbt that he was awake! Wankin It had a smile on. It's face would be oft and the new norsality continued happily. Trath is he could continue in Ms own little way
Wow: Any thing important that you could fear haunted him, like the day e took out a penis, that stuck rigidly in bin.

"Lil, why would you want anything from my feat?"

~It'e not exactly a good one for you, is it?~ Sometimes the pain of life paused while he was masterbating."TelT~y! blank" he spoke, "I don't think dont think this would make ~

bothering wit), rhetodc.~

"and, are you saying that or even thinking that r can call the

plaoe home."

"TMs plece rq skull, you if you are having troubler" They gave a ~an. her face was a peaceful entity that was communi eating. The bins sag thier noise, they made themselves visible, hovering. He had layed stirrtng in. They had said;NThey are here,no NOW???" Then thcy had gone to work.
He had thought about it, "With you?M he asked.
The thing bad turned, was lifestyle not a lwtnry7
"They are aliens: I am not 0ne.~
lie wasn't quite sure wether he would ever be hanX again.
"It's local divisions often tired quickly Sn: nervously...11 Xe was dipping Ms buisness biscuits into the hot-lip,, now increasing in size and number. What he needed now lore than ever was simultasogs. They all seemed to be renewed memories of last week. He tkL.n had a good puff...
The cons,quenees of making such Ob-end, believing the world of wnnngs that night. His brothers had been intoxicating g drags that night. The vagac friends of his supposed frienis I
Oh to destroy our very existence, it was funny the way he try to be the teaching of moral puroretly! It was written all over it! Oh! the con. For ages... They erect in a fat urge waiting for S.U. which wan no surpri!. (slurp!).
The nun was saying "OH yes awiully sorry for troom...
He counted to ten,and couldn't. The old end kept. The pro-ce was much better to work in, yes he was ranting to the typewriter... the hung room pong of Ms brothers response to him. The satis faction of years made a flashbaok quickly: This was not though an anagran of deep breath pouring -himself a glass of metaphor;
"When you we taught you drink it without wanting to think.." The loud Sonic louth were playing a magic trict of a substance. His boi would be prised open, I.E was mach bigger than himself...

"a);tne inrormation in the rscords,..M "Jelly .no'*tLI"

"wit), great big lumpy ideals...?'

like a Snake through the tall grass he had seen it rear it's ugly Head; "We mast be ta~t self-asseeaent?" he shouted in the direct lore obvious way of Daiston.
"WtLa.t fun?,' he had thought for solid multiplicity. lie was a soMmo-bit-ratty I The sun burned into the deaf musicisn. They had adapted the empty sunday streets to the reality. It us indeed tMer ability, but it was treated with en ungrateful sigh...
·'They," he said, "..are born dead and empty.11
"Under run by certain appetites" she rep3ied. The couple were dead again, "slay your own produituallyr"

They had found a small food: "Tirne to re-create!"

"~~? who is constantly rwming in?"
·£he tim· was definately rigged~~slowly. . .tired feet,draggirg thier Mt to themselves. After all The timer (shopping bags) were dangling. Es was precarious o.d sinoc he had awoken from The mornin

"This was a crazy round here. They were all asleep, wel) mite be."

Tb-s Lime was This Aerni-ag. '2nu tL'1ly overdosed inindlessly along.
~witt.ring, he was awa'.- Sn-alp tile was real soar-c'
·ine arterr-oon passed slowly, eumebhlrig, re~i~y9 kissod in, s-~muJtansously on the television. To him, he had to return to the

~rcat ni-~-r~ate to slip slowly into a dev-p humoar.

It ijad escaped hr- and in tnu kitchen it mInd-cenly prc!asred to move slowly Lowards hIm. ft was dressed arrogantly stupid.
"nuric, bro~--cr.ru~per suit ii'
It's hair was hanetration and irir,ocence. 1.iquid plas~ic... L-e was confused art Ir thu juices of ho~orm' rage. races of the wierd figures spoke; "you are tacky" it was spi'rtirtg acne arid washes oi~ the rir£gp-rs nov' towards hts ncrnamlr-g sliontti, suprised sh~uts or Otar dre~u; 'We are part of you~ . our pale skin and soiL curved riesh-texture. V' it continued,
"te mast do those red points of intersection..."
"It's hard to survive." he relt i~l , -
"Trust me, on and on
Uc had goni.' to bed, "Shitorapi" his thoaghts rar4 to the outlet, and everything could hear. 'rhe I j~ht curtains let al] in. Then it did sect ilk esrijer than Lts'Jtl. His brother and his eir?ht long ftn·m'crs..
"Conti wo~ld take 0£rq he would or course z spoak, ·1 don't aatuajly know tn-c speed,.." It had left an i-n- pression, he tAd a depression. possibly used. he canbinujid;
~r*.dagger. afla bhobghts ot lire; it 'a possible use? My, fir, altitUde Is da) activity itself! Coyaprehend?"
But, the alien creature cat be 'Dare snterbainlr££ than that." no repited as it it was a sign of greeting, a page wcri4ered why tie was even here , tkiat the fl'lp-flriors were happy for them to near the pocisis. "Sorbe ho~ru- timer"
"'i'r7 arid sort yoar head out." the duvet shifted beside them, wnilir bhe two were vastly different, q-leep itself was security and left them nearly as one, a giar-; bogging thing.

in'ondsy, in ttie skypi ace, "CIII dear...1' Lbs late ~orrling heat, she had gone. He thought;

"-~ho are they Ir they ar" not in such pain, such cnnice'.'. he was laying in 'sLagtitly tow~ds him and spoke,
"She has to sign or. nome dtty.~
flQ~ a k~onday?" ne was playing...

"01- tkicm, yet i 'tm. not sure ii lb's tki] S weck or the neit tint

"iho are they then?" he asked tri~rued. "HIMI" he sat there quicsly...

IIC didn't like the way these chits were eating hin-- WHOLE. i-ir, was approacr.ing Lhem L-otnL jurne w~s down to a tin or ills, that ints it! LJp a voice atlas out of the smoke, but, thtnking about it he was juh-t attying the same tring *C lov..
Es had thouisht or the same te3ing and 4'ot so paranoid 2rom beMnd tire inessa~e coritlrtijed, '2H~ Daly HAD jUiRIV?-D,· the time of realnis od sn~- Ce. 1n-to the cosmos at tbe Art show.
ife luid visited this place (th£s was the ~~iin aip of the town, the place and people were 30W to deal with the shtt. Thier wris no clues of what .0 expect. It wc,ujd Ha-who! Who coujd nave us? the arjiTh-~ S, tl3e fr.-rcicle show oi ego's to his hi be If contact could be made. The norrality, tr en they had so~o hope for- thc' human raoe. Just etraiigo~y similar but more copazas or the spa' calyptie, Bad it been? "Lhey drank wine and pissed triern:qelves atCho re) themselves' It had all become a nigitr.are and he looked self-bare, open to tre scrutLny, heopish. Somehow convinced, that his wizards strangely bad enong;, theft to do. Just aexontly there was a new kind of house patty with two bards. MA. had 1;een taken as a Jose, bhe f"w who had dreamed of escape, perhaps they were ego-inaniace whos benarocracy was tbat or the MAD,odd,weird guy! Who had y,one!
"CL~TS he stiouted, "~*iLY?~
